Saturday, August 9, 2008

Change of Plans

I originally planned on writing a lovely piece on censorship (or Censorshit as I like to call it) and the Chinese censors recent infatuation with website blocking but got halfway through and lost interest. So instead I give you this, which is much more entertaining:

In other news, cable.

Recently we just got our cable "upgraded". We did not ask for this upgrade, I believe I speak for my entire household when I say that we were perfectly happy with our old cable. This new "upgraded" cable however, is crap. It keeps on restarting itself, taking several minutes out of program watching and deleting things off the DVR. I would like to take this time to express my great displeasure with Time Warner Cable and with the government. I know it is more convenient to have a cable monopoly but I can't help but feel like we would get better and cheaper service if the consumer had more choice. There was an article in the paper about the numerous complaints the companies have received regarding the new service, but thus far nothing has been done to fix problems. We are not amused.

On a happier note, OLYMPICS!

I have yet to decide whether or not I want Phelps to make history... I keep going back and forth on the issue. All I know is that holy crap!?!?! Where did the Chinese Women's 400 Free Relay come from?


garland said...

about your cable complaints, i feel the same way, i think the ftc or fcc needs to regulate the cable companies in a way that makes it more friendly to the customer such as a la carte channel offering

what was the chinese time? was it a world record?

chinese will smash in rowing/canoeing and in *sigh* table tennis...

Coyte said...

I'm not calling for FCC regulation per say... the FCC screws up enough as it is... talk about censorship... The local governments are what have screwed up my cable by allowing Time Warner to have a "regulated" monopoly.

Jessie said...

Awww.... I love this sketch!

& I'm with you on the monopoly issue. Rawr! We need a good old fashioned trust buster sort!