Friday, February 20, 2009

Before I Forget...

I'm angry at NPR for three things!
  1. The other day I was listening to some lady interview a guy from scope that wrote an article that talks about all the benifits of having a Facebook. He was a very nice guy and made a very nice case for the website, citing all the poeple it has enable to reconnect with and refuting the ideas that it makes you antisocial. The interviewer kept on asking him really hostile questions and he responded very civily. I thought it all a bit odd... why are you getting hostile about Facebook? (side note: this story had nothing to do with the changes in the terms of use, the whole FACEBOOK NOW OWNS YOUR SOUL DEAL that has a lot of people upset) At the end of the interview the womans said thanks blahblah (I don't remember his name) you tried hard. I don't think you convinced anyone, but you made a good effort. At this point I was like, WHAT A BITCH!
  2. I was listening to the news on the hour the other day and right in the middle of it they switch to another programme! NOT NICE.
  3. And then there was something else as well... I don't remember what though. But trust me, it was bad.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Wish English Class Was More Like A Dinosaur Comic!

(Click on the picture to make it bigger)

I love that we are doing poetry now... Dr. B is going to be in for a surprise when he reads my next poem analysis!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Not Another Post About Michael Phelps!

My feelings towards the Phelps have been well documented on this blog. And I assure you, they remain largely unchanged. HOWEVER, I would like to publicly say that I don't blame him for letting his hair down a bit.
Swimmers are in large part (yours truly being one of the very few exceptions) party animals. A friend of mine who met an NCAA champ butterflyer (butterflier?) on a recruiting trip came back and told me "I didn't know one person could drink that much." So the Phelps isn't the only swimmer with less than Mother Teressa-ly conduct, and that's without factoring in the fact that he is a young man (albeit a freakish, dumb, fast one).
Not only that but I don't think people really understand what his life is like during serious training. Sure, they're all seen the human interest pieces about the billion waffles he has to eat a day or whatever, but they really don't understand the true meaning of "Eat, Sleep, Swim". Being restricted like that... it is understandable that he would go a bit crazy once he got his freedom. It happens to a lot of people, not just swimmers.
The Phelps is a simple man (the idea of successful swimmers being simple is a theme I've been meaning to write about, but haven't quite gotten around to). Do I think going out and partying, bong and all, is stupid and a wast of time and energy? Yes. But so is wasting your time watching MTV or being a creationist. Yes, I did just equate being a creationist with taking a hit off a bong, in fact being a creationist is dumber in my opinion. I actually don't think that smoking pot (though the practice has never appealed to me) is that bad, so long as you don't allow it to take over your life.
So Yeah... I had a point in that last paragraph somewhere... but I've forgotten it. Summery:
  1. I still don't like the Phelps but the whole bong thing doesn't really affect the way I look at him.
  2. This kind of thing could have happened to about +75% of the college population... except they're not world class swimmers, so get over it.
  3. Swimming is very demanding.
  4. Pot shouldn't be illegal.
  5. That other point I was going to make but forgot.
  6. Creationism is stupid.
And in honor of that last number I present to you, a picture of the Phelps... looking like Jesus.
