Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Depressing stuff from the U.N.

I'm not going to pretend to know a great deal about the going ons of the U.N.

But this particular article has not done much to contradict the many negative things that I have heard about them.

You can find the article:

"The ban came after a heated session on Monday, when the representative of the Association for World Education (AWE), in a joint statement with the International Humanist and Ethical Union, denounced female genital mutilation, the penalty of stoning for adultery and child marriage as sanctioned by Islamic law."

Now I could understand why Egypt, Pakistan and Iran would get all up in arms if they were criticizing Islam for something like praying towards Mecca or their belief that Allah is the only god, but female genital mutilation (a dangerous, painful and basically cruel practice)? The stoning of adulterers (something that only applies to females in most places and the burden of proof for a man accusing his wife of adultery is really a joke)? Child marriage (I kinda want to put parenthesis after this one because I put them after the other two, but I don't really think that I need to elaborate)? These are legitimate issues that can/are causing harm. Oh, yea and free speech. That one is important too.

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