Japanese art and Olympic swimmer Matt Grevers.
"I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. . . . I am in earnest -- I will not equivocate -- I will not excuse -- I will not retreat a single inch -- AND I WILL BE HEARD."
In many parts of the world, 18 is the age minimum for purchasing tobacco and alcoholic beverages. It is also the voting age in many countries. During the Vietnam War, Americans could be drafted at an age as low as 18, but were not allowed to vote in most states until they were 21. A movement spread to lower the voting age, and in 1971, the Twenty-sixth Amendment extended a guarantee of suffrage to anyone 18 years or older in all states. The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 in the U.K. and many other nations around that time.
Eighteen is also the age in many countries at which a person may appear in a pornographic video, or express legal consent to sexual relations with another.[citation needed]
In addition, eighteen-year-olds in the United States have the right to bear arms, own property, marry without parental consent(in almost all states), get an abortion, donate their bodies to science, and serve on a jury.
In the United Kingdom, eighteen-year-olds can purchase tobacco, alcohol and pornography, go to war, vote, and model for pornography; (but the age of consent is 16).
In many countries 18 is the age of majority.
In many states the age at which one can obtain a learner's permit without parental consent.
Minimum age at which one can be admitted to rent or buy an MPAA-rated NC-17 movie. This is also the age at which one can see an NC-17 rated movie.[citation needed]
Minimum age at which one can play, rent, or buy an ESRB-rated AO game.
Minimum age at which one can buy tickets to an 18A rated film in Canada without being accompanied by an adult. Ratings in Canada are provincial, so they may vary. A film can be 18A in some provinces and 14A in other provinces. A film can also be 18A in some provinces and R in other provinces. 18 is also the minimum age at which one can view, rent, or buy an R or an A rated movie.
Minimum age at which one can buy, rent, view, or buy tickets to an 18+ rated movie in the Canadian province of Quebec.
Minimum age at which one can get a full driver's license in many U.S states and Canadian provinces.
Minimum age to drive a car in many countries in the world. See also: 18 certificate, Coming of age
Minimum age at which one can legally buy marijuana in the Netherlands.[citation needed]
In the United States, it is the minimum age at which one may get a body piercing without a parent present.
It was a dark and stormy end of second period; dark because Dr. B had the black curtains covering his windows, and stormy because 老師 (my Chinese teacher) and I were at odds. We were having a bit of a disagreement about Chinese poetry and the benefits of teaching it to students at our level. I was most frustrated by archaic nature of the vocabulary and the total lack of grammatical structure in the poetry and didn’t see how it was supplementing my knowledge of the language. Older Chinese poetry is highly structured and abstract… and when I say abstract, I mean really abstract. It is basically a bunch of characters thrown together without any regard for necessity of verbs or prepositions (rather, they’ll be there, you just wont know it because there are no inflections in Chinese and word order is so important in telling you whether something is the direct object or the verb or an adjective or a measure word, and so on) to give the poor reader any inkling of what’s going on. Now, to be fair, if I had a little better grasp of the language I might be able to extrapolate some meaning because I would know all the different connotations and denotations behind the characters. But I don’t. And it is very frustrating. And there is no grammar!
Anyways, back to the story. So 老師 and I were arguing about this, and she is talking about how this is the way that poetry was written back then and that we see this kind of blatant-disregard-for-grammar-style in English too. This stumps me, so I ask for an example. She then proceeds to talk about how there is no grammar Shakespeare. About this time I notice poor Dr. B (my English teacher) behind us listening to our conversation, about to have a stroke. I realize that there is no changing老師’s mind and I proceed to thank her and head to my next class before it became necessary to call and ambulance for Dr. B.