Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reuters Reels in the Alliteration!

I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce "Reuters". Rooters? Royters? I like that last one because it sounds a bit like "Coyters". Pronunciation is however irrelevant in my world... well, so long as I'm doing it, it is (I will pronounce "facade" "fack-aid" dammit!)

So, back to the original reason I mentioned Reuters in the first place. I have a Reuters oddly enough subscription on my Google homepage, I get three of their headlines. It's pretty 1337.

This story caught my eye, simply because of the alliteration. I have a thing for alliteration and also... ummm does it seem to anyone else that the Mumbai government is acting like a 3 year old? If there is a legit risk then I don't see a problem with a government warning its people about it. Even if the chance of something bad happening is so miniscule less than 10 people have died in recent years (no mention of injuries that did not result in death) there's no harm in being warned. So suck it up Mumbai!

Also, It was a smellly, smoky (more alliteration!) day in the triangle. I woke up and was like, hmmm. I can't breathe. Breathe being a word I'm not sure I have ever typed before and was not sure how to spell it until Firefox told me there was an "a" in it. Story (about the smoke, not my spelling) here.